JavaCard SCP01, SCP02, SCP03
Добрый день,
В контексте JavaCard видел упоминания протоколов шифрования обмена данными с картой SCPxx (Secure Channel Protocol): … col-to-use … p02-scp03/ … 03fdc66d7a … key/1783/9
3B F8 18 00 00 81 31 FE 45 4A 43 4F 50 56 32 34 31 9C
J3A080 80KB T=1 GP2.1.1 JC2.2.2 SCP023B 8F 80 01 80 91 E1 31 80 65 B0 83 11 17 E5 83 00 90 00 E9
IDPrime PIV Card v2.0 AES SCP03 (eID) … brief.htmlIngo Albrecht
Dec 29 2019 19:39
@enleth yes. the are JavaCard and supposedly they are delivered open in at least one of the available configs.
the sister-device "EdgeLock SE050" has variant-specific default keys that you can find in the public datasheet.
and they both do SCP03.
I have some samples on my order list. a colleague has confirmed that he can get access though.
Ваши смарт карты не являются JavaCard? в них нельзя активировать шифрование SCP?