Re: Защита RDP по ГОСТам с помощью sTunnel и Рутокен ЭЦП
замечательная статья, если бы только тот самый стуннел по ссылке был доступен
Re: Защита RDP по ГОСТам с помощью sTunnel и Рутокен ЭЦП
А что вы с ним делать собрались?
Re: Защита RDP по ГОСТам с помощью sTunnel и Рутокен ЭЦП
Добрый день.
А можно где-либо скачать этот патч для stunnel? У меня rutoken ЭЦП. При попытке авторизации на тоукене stunnel пишет
Login failed
PKCS11_get_private_key returned NULL
и на этом все заканчивается.
Re: Защита RDP по ГОСТам с помощью sTunnel и Рутокен ЭЦП
Могу выслать вам бинарник при условии, что вы расскажете для чего его планируете использовать.
Re: Защита RDP по ГОСТам с помощью sTunnel и Рутокен ЭЦП
Пожалуйста. Мы занимаемся разработкой лабораторной информационной системы RuLIS. Для доступа к части ее функционала за пределами лаборатории предлагается разработать некоторый "облегченный клиент". В настоящее время он прекрасно работает по stunnel, подключаясь к реализованному в рамках проекта Application server. Но беда в том, что используются сертификаты и ключи в файлах, в то время как аккредитирующая нас организация требует наличие аппаратных ключей.
Re: Защита RDP по ГОСТам с помощью sTunnel и Рутокен ЭЦП
Здравствуйте. А не могли бы скинуть пропатченный stunnel? Нам необходимо для организации обмена информацией по защищенному каналу с сервисами ГИС ЖКХ.
Re: Защита RDP по ГОСТам с помощью sTunnel и Рутокен ЭЦП
А вам нужна клиентская TLS-аутентификация по сертификату в ГИС ЖКХ?
Если что, вот материал и там же патч … d=18055210
Re: Защита RDP по ГОСТам с помощью sTunnel и Рутокен ЭЦП
А вам нужна клиентская TLS-аутентификация по сертификату в ГИС ЖКХ?
sTunnel под Windows также необходимо патчить?
Re: Защита RDP по ГОСТам с помощью sTunnel и Рутокен ЭЦП
Да, необходимо. Я вам соберу его.
А где вы будете брать клиентский сертификат на Рутокен ЭЦП, который примет ГИС ЖКХ?
Re: Защита RDP по ГОСТам с помощью sTunnel и Рутокен ЭЦП
Сертификат уже имеется на Рутокене. В ГИС ЖКХ мы отправили заявку с открытой его частью.
Re: Защита RDP по ГОСТам с помощью sTunnel и Рутокен ЭЦП
Отправил на почту.
1. Не забудьте в переменные окружения прописать OPENSSL_ENGINES.
2. Запускать надо так: stunnel pin:12345678 (ну с реальным PIN)
3. ID ключа на токене (для записи в конфиг) можно посмотреть на сервисе (предварительно установив Рутокен Плагин)
Если пришлете мне реквизиты сервера ГИС ЖКХ и id ключа, то могу помочь с конфигом stunnel.
Re: Защита RDP по ГОСТам с помощью sTunnel и Рутокен ЭЦП
Спасибо. На первый взгляд все получилось. Завтра попробую передать данные по получившемуся каналу.
Re: Защита RDP по ГОСТам с помощью sTunnel и Рутокен ЭЦП
Вы отпишитесь по результатам.
#15 2016-05-05 11:54:25 (2016-05-05 11:55:41 отредактировано miron_valentin)
Re: Защита RDP по ГОСТам с помощью sTunnel и Рутокен ЭЦП
Использую такие параметры в stunnel.conf:
[remote system]
engineNum = 1
key = d5:7a:04:22:1a:e6:4a:5e:8d:06:5f:65:6e:4f:35:a4:bd:9b:ea:0f
accept =
connect =
ciphers = GOST2001-GOST89-GOST89
TIMEOUTclose = 0
CA-SIT.pem - сертификат, который предоставил ГИС.
client.crt - сертификат, экспортированный из рутокена.
При запуске sTunnel пишет в лог:
2016.05.05 11:32:18 LOG7[19136]: No limit detected for the number of clients
2016.05.05 11:32:18 LOG5[19136]: stunnel 5.03 on x86-pc-msvc-1600 platform
2016.05.05 11:32:18 LOG5[19136]: Compiled with OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012
2016.05.05 11:32:18 LOG5[19136]: Running with OpenSSL 1.0.1i 6 Aug 2014
2016.05.05 11:32:18 LOG5[19136]: Update OpenSSL shared libraries or rebuild stunnel
2016.05.05 11:32:18 LOG5[19136]: Threading:WIN32 Sockets:SELECT,IPv4 SSL:ENGINE,OCSP
2016.05.05 11:32:18 LOG7[19136]: errno: (*_errno())
2016.05.05 11:32:18 LOG5[19136]: Reading configuration from file stunnel.conf
2016.05.05 11:32:18 LOG7[19136]: Enabling support for engine 'pkcs11_gost'
2016.05.05 11:32:18 LOG7[19136]: Executing engine control command MODULE_PATH:rtpkcs11ecp.dll
2016.05.05 11:32:19 LOG6[19136]: Engine #1 (pkcs11_gost) set as default for ALL
2016.05.05 11:32:19 LOG7[19136]: Initializing engine #1 (pkcs11_gost)
2016.05.05 11:32:19 LOG6[19136]: Engine #1 (pkcs11_gost) initialized
2016.05.05 11:32:19 LOG7[19136]: Compression disabled
2016.05.05 11:32:19 LOG7[19136]: Snagged 64 random bytes from C:/.rnd
2016.05.05 11:32:19 LOG7[19136]: Wrote 0 new random bytes to C:/.rnd
2016.05.05 11:32:19 LOG7[19136]: PRNG seeded successfully
2016.05.05 11:32:19 LOG6[19136]: Initializing service [remote system]
2016.05.05 11:32:19 LOG3[19136]: SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_engine: 1412214B: error:1412214B:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_engine:no client cert method
2016.05.05 11:32:19 LOG6[19136]: Loading cert from file: client.crt
2016.05.05 11:32:19 LOG6[19136]: Loading key from engine: d5:7a:04:22:1a:e6:4a:5e:8d:06:5f:65:6e:4f:35:a4:bd:9b:ea:0f
2016.05.05 11:32:19 LOG7[19136]: Private key check succeeded
2016.05.05 11:32:19 LOG7[19136]: Loaded CA-SIT.pem revocation lookup file
2016.05.05 11:32:19 LOG7[19136]: SSL options set: 0x00000004
2016.05.05 11:32:19 LOG5[19136]: Configuration successful
2016.05.05 11:32:19 LOG7[19136]: Service [remote system] (FD=632) bound to
Но к сервисам ГИС ЖКХ по созданному каналу не получается подключиться, при добавлении ссылки на службу пишет ошибку:
Произошла ошибка при загрузке ''$metadata''.
Базовое соединение закрыто: Непредвиденная ошибка при передаче.
Сбой установки соединения из-за неожиданного формата пакета.
Метаданные содержат неразрешимую ссылку: "".
Ошибка при отправке запроса HTTP к Возможно, это вызвано тем, что сертификат сервера не сконфигурирован с HTTP.SYS для случая HTTPS. Это может быть также вызвано несоответствием привязки безопасности между клиентом и сервером.
Базовое соединение закрыто: Непредвиденная ошибка при передаче.
Сбой установки соединения из-за неожиданного формата пакета.
Если служба определена в текущем решении, попробуйте собрать решение и добавить ссылку на службу еще раз.
Пока не знаю в чем проблема... Если соединение установилось, то это уже должно означать, что сертификат верный и настройки правильные, насколько я понимаю.
Лог sTunnel:
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[19136]: Service [remote system] accepted (FD=332) from
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[19136]: Creating a new thread
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[19136]: New thread created
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[19136]: Service [remote system] accepted (FD=576) from
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[19136]: Creating a new thread
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[19136]: New thread created
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[17448]: Service [remote system] started
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG5[17448]: Service [remote system] accepted connection from
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[1860]: Service [remote system] started
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG6[17448]: s_connect: connecting
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG5[1860]: Service [remote system] accepted connection from
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[19136]: Service [remote system] accepted (FD=680) from
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[17448]: s_connect: s_poll_wait waiting 10 seconds
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[19136]: Creating a new thread
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG6[1860]: s_connect: connecting
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[19136]: New thread created
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[1860]: s_connect: s_poll_wait waiting 10 seconds
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[19136]: Service [remote system] accepted (FD=708) from
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[19136]: Creating a new thread
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[19136]: New thread created
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[19104]: Service [remote system] started
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[13296]: Service [remote system] started
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG5[19104]: Service [remote system] accepted connection from
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG5[13296]: Service [remote system] accepted connection from
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG6[19104]: s_connect: connecting
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG6[13296]: s_connect: connecting
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[13296]: s_connect: s_poll_wait waiting 10 seconds
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[19104]: s_connect: s_poll_wait waiting 10 seconds
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG5[1860]: s_connect: connected
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG5[1860]: Service [remote system] connected remote server from
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[1860]: Remote socket (FD=700) initialized
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG6[1860]: SNI: sending servername:
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[1860]: SSL state (connect): before/connect initialization
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG5[13296]: s_connect: connected
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG5[13296]: Service [remote system] connected remote server from
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG7[13296]: Remote socket (FD=744) initialized
2016.05.05 11:32:26 LOG6[13296]: SNI: sending servername:
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG7[1860]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client hello A
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG7[13296]: SSL state (connect): before/connect initialization
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG5[17448]: s_connect: connected
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG5[19104]: s_connect: connected
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG5[19104]: Service [remote system] connected remote server from
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG5[17448]: Service [remote system] connected remote server from
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG7[17448]: Remote socket (FD=364) initialized
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG7[19104]: Remote socket (FD=740) initialized
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG7[13296]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client hello A
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG6[19104]: SNI: sending servername:
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG6[17448]: SNI: sending servername:
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG7[19104]: SSL state (connect): before/connect initialization
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG7[19104]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client hello A
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG7[17448]: SSL state (connect): before/connect initialization
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG7[17448]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client hello A
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG7[1860]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server hello A
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG7[1860]: Starting certificate verification: depth=1, subject=/1.2.643.100.1=1037700085444/1.2.643.\x04C\x04;\x00.\x00 \x04!\x04C\x04I\x04Q\x042\x04A\x04:\x048\x049\x00 \x042\x040\x04;\x00,\x00 \x044\x00.\x00 \x001\x008/ST=\x007\x007\x00 \x043\x00.\x00 \x04\x1C\x04>\x04A\x04:\x042\x040/L=\x04\x1C\x04>\x04A\x04:\x042\x040/\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x00 \x00"\x04\x1A\x04 \x04\x18\x04\x1F\x04"\x04\x1E\x00-\x04\x1F\x04 \x04\x1E\x00"/CN=\x04"\x045\x04A\x04B\x04>\x042\x04K\x049\x00 \x04#\x04&\x00 \x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x00 \x00"\x04\x1A\x04 \x04\x18\x04\x1F\x04"\x04\x1E\x00-\x04\x1F\x04 \x04\x1E\x00"
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG6[1860]: Certificate accepted: depth=1, subject=/1.2.643.100.1=1037700085444/1.2.643.\x04C\x04;\x00.\x00 \x04!\x04C\x04I\x04Q\x042\x04A\x04:\x048\x049\x00 \x042\x040\x04;\x00,\x00 \x044\x00.\x00 \x001\x008/ST=\x007\x007\x00 \x043\x00.\x00 \x04\x1C\x04>\x04A\x04:\x042\x040/L=\x04\x1C\x04>\x04A\x04:\x042\x040/\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x00 \x00"\x04\x1A\x04 \x04\x18\x04\x1F\x04"\x04\x1E\x00-\x04\x1F\x04 \x04\x1E\x00"/CN=\x04"\x045\x04A\x04B\x04>\x042\x04K\x049\x00 \x04#\x04&\x00 \x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x00 \x00"\x04\x1A\x04 \x04\x18\x04\x1F\x04"\x04\x1E\x00-\x04\x1F\x04 \x04\x1E\x00"
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG7[1860]: Starting certificate verification: depth=0, subject=/
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG5[1860]: Certificate accepted: depth=0, subject=/
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG7[1860]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server certificate A
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG7[1860]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server certificate request A
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG7[1860]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server done A
2016.05.05 11:32:27 LOG7[1860]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client certificate A
2016.05.05 11:32:28 LOG7[1860]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client key exchange A
2016.05.05 11:32:28 LOG7[1860]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write certificate verify A
2016.05.05 11:32:28 LOG7[1860]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
2016.05.05 11:32:28 LOG7[1860]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write finished A
2016.05.05 11:32:28 LOG7[1860]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 flush data
2016.05.05 11:32:28 LOG7[13296]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server hello A
2016.05.05 11:32:28 LOG7[13296]: Starting certificate verification: depth=1, subject=/1.2.643.100.1=1037700085444/1.2.643.\x04C\x04;\x00.\x00 \x04!\x04C\x04I\x04Q\x042\x04A\x04:\x048\x049\x00 \x042\x040\x04;\x00,\x00 \x044\x00.\x00 \x001\x008/ST=\x007\x007\x00 \x043\x00.\x00 \x04\x1C\x04>\x04A\x04:\x042\x040/L=\x04\x1C\x04>\x04A\x04:\x042\x040/\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x00 \x00"\x04\x1A\x04 \x04\x18\x04\x1F\x04"\x04\x1E\x00-\x04\x1F\x04 \x04\x1E\x00"/CN=\x04"\x045\x04A\x04B\x04>\x042\x04K\x049\x00 \x04#\x04&\x00 \x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x00 \x00"\x04\x1A\x04 \x04\x18\x04\x1F\x04"\x04\x1E\x00-\x04\x1F\x04 \x04\x1E\x00"
2016.05.05 11:32:28 LOG6[13296]: Certificate accepted: depth=1, subject=/1.2.643.100.1=1037700085444/1.2.643.\x04C\x04;\x00.\x00 \x04!\x04C\x04I\x04Q\x042\x04A\x04:\x048\x049\x00 \x042\x040\x04;\x00,\x00 \x044\x00.\x00 \x001\x008/ST=\x007\x007\x00 \x043\x00.\x00 \x04\x1C\x04>\x04A\x04:\x042\x040/L=\x04\x1C\x04>\x04A\x04:\x042\x040/\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x00 \x00"\x04\x1A\x04 \x04\x18\x04\x1F\x04"\x04\x1E\x00-\x04\x1F\x04 \x04\x1E\x00"/CN=\x04"\x045\x04A\x04B\x04>\x042\x04K\x049\x00 \x04#\x04&\x00 \x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x00 \x00"\x04\x1A\x04 \x04\x18\x04\x1F\x04"\x04\x1E\x00-\x04\x1F\x04 \x04\x1E\x00"
2016.05.05 11:32:28 LOG7[13296]: Starting certificate verification: depth=0, subject=/
2016.05.05 11:32:28 LOG5[13296]: Certificate accepted: depth=0, subject=/
2016.05.05 11:32:28 LOG7[13296]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server certificate A
2016.05.05 11:32:28 LOG7[13296]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server certificate request A
2016.05.05 11:32:28 LOG7[13296]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server done A
2016.05.05 11:32:28 LOG7[13296]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client certificate A
2016.05.05 11:32:29 LOG7[13296]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client key exchange A
2016.05.05 11:32:29 LOG7[13296]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write certificate verify A
2016.05.05 11:32:29 LOG7[13296]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
2016.05.05 11:32:29 LOG7[13296]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write finished A
2016.05.05 11:32:29 LOG7[13296]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 flush data
2016.05.05 11:32:29 LOG7[19104]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server hello A
2016.05.05 11:32:29 LOG7[19104]: Starting certificate verification: depth=1, subject=/1.2.643.100.1=1037700085444/1.2.643.\x04C\x04;\x00.\x00 \x04!\x04C\x04I\x04Q\x042\x04A\x04:\x048\x049\x00 \x042\x040\x04;\x00,\x00 \x044\x00.\x00 \x001\x008/ST=\x007\x007\x00 \x043\x00.\x00 \x04\x1C\x04>\x04A\x04:\x042\x040/L=\x04\x1C\x04>\x04A\x04:\x042\x040/\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x00 \x00"\x04\x1A\x04 \x04\x18\x04\x1F\x04"\x04\x1E\x00-\x04\x1F\x04 \x04\x1E\x00"/CN=\x04"\x045\x04A\x04B\x04>\x042\x04K\x049\x00 \x04#\x04&\x00 \x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x00 \x00"\x04\x1A\x04 \x04\x18\x04\x1F\x04"\x04\x1E\x00-\x04\x1F\x04 \x04\x1E\x00"
2016.05.05 11:32:29 LOG6[19104]: Certificate accepted: depth=1, subject=/1.2.643.100.1=1037700085444/1.2.643.\x04C\x04;\x00.\x00 \x04!\x04C\x04I\x04Q\x042\x04A\x04:\x048\x049\x00 \x042\x040\x04;\x00,\x00 \x044\x00.\x00 \x001\x008/ST=\x007\x007\x00 \x043\x00.\x00 \x04\x1C\x04>\x04A\x04:\x042\x040/L=\x04\x1C\x04>\x04A\x04:\x042\x040/\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x00 \x00"\x04\x1A\x04 \x04\x18\x04\x1F\x04"\x04\x1E\x00-\x04\x1F\x04 \x04\x1E\x00"/CN=\x04"\x045\x04A\x04B\x04>\x042\x04K\x049\x00 \x04#\x04&\x00 \x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x00 \x00"\x04\x1A\x04 \x04\x18\x04\x1F\x04"\x04\x1E\x00-\x04\x1F\x04 \x04\x1E\x00"
2016.05.05 11:32:29 LOG7[19104]: Starting certificate verification: depth=0, subject=/
2016.05.05 11:32:29 LOG5[19104]: Certificate accepted: depth=0, subject=/
2016.05.05 11:32:29 LOG7[19104]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server certificate A
2016.05.05 11:32:29 LOG7[19104]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server certificate request A
2016.05.05 11:32:29 LOG7[19104]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server done A
2016.05.05 11:32:29 LOG7[19104]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client certificate A
2016.05.05 11:32:30 LOG7[19104]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client key exchange A
2016.05.05 11:32:30 LOG7[19104]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write certificate verify A
2016.05.05 11:32:30 LOG7[19104]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
2016.05.05 11:32:30 LOG7[19104]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write finished A
2016.05.05 11:32:30 LOG7[19104]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 flush data
2016.05.05 11:32:30 LOG7[17448]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server hello A
2016.05.05 11:32:30 LOG7[17448]: Starting certificate verification: depth=1, subject=/1.2.643.100.1=1037700085444/1.2.643.\x04C\x04;\x00.\x00 \x04!\x04C\x04I\x04Q\x042\x04A\x04:\x048\x049\x00 \x042\x040\x04;\x00,\x00 \x044\x00.\x00 \x001\x008/ST=\x007\x007\x00 \x043\x00.\x00 \x04\x1C\x04>\x04A\x04:\x042\x040/L=\x04\x1C\x04>\x04A\x04:\x042\x040/\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x00 \x00"\x04\x1A\x04 \x04\x18\x04\x1F\x04"\x04\x1E\x00-\x04\x1F\x04 \x04\x1E\x00"/CN=\x04"\x045\x04A\x04B\x04>\x042\x04K\x049\x00 \x04#\x04&\x00 \x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x00 \x00"\x04\x1A\x04 \x04\x18\x04\x1F\x04"\x04\x1E\x00-\x04\x1F\x04 \x04\x1E\x00"
2016.05.05 11:32:30 LOG6[17448]: Certificate accepted: depth=1, subject=/1.2.643.100.1=1037700085444/1.2.643.\x04C\x04;\x00.\x00 \x04!\x04C\x04I\x04Q\x042\x04A\x04:\x048\x049\x00 \x042\x040\x04;\x00,\x00 \x044\x00.\x00 \x001\x008/ST=\x007\x007\x00 \x043\x00.\x00 \x04\x1C\x04>\x04A\x04:\x042\x040/L=\x04\x1C\x04>\x04A\x04:\x042\x040/\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x00 \x00"\x04\x1A\x04 \x04\x18\x04\x1F\x04"\x04\x1E\x00-\x04\x1F\x04 \x04\x1E\x00"/CN=\x04"\x045\x04A\x04B\x04>\x042\x04K\x049\x00 \x04#\x04&\x00 \x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x04\x1E\x00 \x00"\x04\x1A\x04 \x04\x18\x04\x1F\x04"\x04\x1E\x00-\x04\x1F\x04 \x04\x1E\x00"
2016.05.05 11:32:30 LOG7[17448]: Starting certificate verification: depth=0, subject=/
2016.05.05 11:32:30 LOG5[17448]: Certificate accepted: depth=0, subject=/
2016.05.05 11:32:30 LOG7[17448]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server certificate A
2016.05.05 11:32:30 LOG7[17448]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server certificate request A
2016.05.05 11:32:30 LOG7[17448]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server done A
2016.05.05 11:32:30 LOG7[17448]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client certificate A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client key exchange A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write certificate verify A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write finished A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 flush data
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server session ticket A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read finished A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: 1 items in the session cache
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: 4 client connects (SSL_connect())
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: 1 client connects that finished
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: 0 client renegotiations requested
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: 0 server connects (SSL_accept())
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: 0 server connects that finished
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: 0 server renegotiations requested
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: 0 session cache hits
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: 0 external session cache hits
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: 0 session cache misses
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: 0 session cache timeouts
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: Peer certificate was cached (2492 bytes)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[1860]: SSL connected: new session negotiated
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[1860]: Negotiated TLSv1/SSLv3 ciphersuite: GOST2001-GOST89-GOST89 (256-bit encryption)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server session ticket A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[1860]: Compression: null, expansion: null
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read finished A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: 2 items in the session cache
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: 4 client connects (SSL_connect())
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: 2 client connects that finished
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: 0 client renegotiations requested
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: 0 server connects (SSL_accept())
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: 0 server connects that finished
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: 0 server renegotiations requested
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: 0 session cache hits
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: 0 external session cache hits
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: 0 session cache misses
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: 0 session cache timeouts
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[13296]: SSL connected: new session negotiated
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[13296]: Negotiated TLSv1/SSLv3 ciphersuite: GOST2001-GOST89-GOST89 (256-bit encryption)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[13296]: Compression: null, expansion: null
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server session ticket A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read finished A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: 3 items in the session cache
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: 4 client connects (SSL_connect())
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: 3 client connects that finished
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: 0 client renegotiations requested
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: 0 server connects (SSL_accept())
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: 0 server connects that finished
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: 0 server renegotiations requested
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: 0 session cache hits
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: 0 external session cache hits
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: 0 session cache misses
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: 0 session cache timeouts
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[19104]: SSL connected: new session negotiated
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[19104]: Negotiated TLSv1/SSLv3 ciphersuite: GOST2001-GOST89-GOST89 (256-bit encryption)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[19104]: Compression: null, expansion: null
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[19104]: SSL socket closed (SSL_read)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: Sent socket write shutdown
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[19104]: Connection closed: 153 byte(s) sent to SSL, 311 byte(s) sent to socket
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[1860]: SSL socket closed (SSL_read)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: Sent socket write shutdown
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[1860]: Connection closed: 153 byte(s) sent to SSL, 311 byte(s) sent to socket
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: Remote socket (FD=700) closed
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: Remote socket (FD=740) closed
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: Local socket (FD=576) closed
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: Local socket (FD=680) closed
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: Service [remote system] finished (3 left)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: Service [remote system] finished (2 left)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: str_stats: 3 block(s), 4294958265 data byte(s), 150 control byte(s)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: str_stats: 3 block(s), 4294958328 data byte(s), 150 control byte(s)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:413
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:413
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19136]: Service [remote system] accepted (FD=680) from
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:412
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:412
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19136]: Creating a new thread
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[1860]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:411
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19104]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:411
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19136]: New thread created
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19136]: Service [remote system] accepted (FD=576) from
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19136]: Creating a new thread
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19136]: New thread created
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[13296]: SSL socket closed (SSL_read)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: Service [remote system] started
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server session ticket A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: Sent socket write shutdown
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[13296]: Connection closed: 153 byte(s) sent to SSL, 311 byte(s) sent to socket
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[25992]: Service [remote system] accepted connection from
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: Remote socket (FD=744) closed
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[25992]: s_connect: connecting
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: Local socket (FD=708) closed
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: Service [remote system] finished (2 left)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: s_connect: s_poll_wait waiting 10 seconds
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: Service [remote system] started
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: str_stats: 3 block(s), 4294958328 data byte(s), 150 control byte(s)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19136]: Service [remote system] accepted (FD=708) from
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:413
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[20760]: Service [remote system] accepted connection from
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19136]: Creating a new thread
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:412
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[20760]: s_connect: connecting
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read finished A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13296]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:411
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19136]: New thread created
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: 4 items in the session cache
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: s_connect: s_poll_wait waiting 10 seconds
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: 4 client connects (SSL_connect())
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: 4 client connects that finished
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: 0 client renegotiations requested
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: 0 server connects (SSL_accept())
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: 0 server connects that finished
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: 0 server renegotiations requested
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: 0 session cache hits
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: 0 external session cache hits
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: 0 session cache misses
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: Service [remote system] started
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: 0 session cache timeouts
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[17448]: SSL connected: new session negotiated
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[16864]: Service [remote system] accepted connection from
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[17448]: Negotiated TLSv1/SSLv3 ciphersuite: GOST2001-GOST89-GOST89 (256-bit encryption)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[17448]: Compression: null, expansion: null
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[16864]: s_connect: connecting
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: s_connect: s_poll_wait waiting 10 seconds
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[20760]: s_connect: connected
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[20760]: Service [remote system] connected remote server from
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: Remote socket (FD=724) initialized
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[20760]: SNI: sending servername:
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: SSL state (connect): before/connect initialization
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[17448]: SSL socket closed (SSL_read)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: Sent socket write shutdown
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[17448]: Connection closed: 153 byte(s) sent to SSL, 311 byte(s) sent to socket
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: Remote socket (FD=364) closed
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: Local socket (FD=332) closed
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: Service [remote system] finished (3 left)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: str_stats: 3 block(s), 4294958328 data byte(s), 150 control byte(s)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:413
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:412
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19136]: Service [remote system] accepted (FD=824) from
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[17448]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:411
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19136]: Creating a new thread
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[19136]: New thread created
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: Service [remote system] started
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[13504]: Service [remote system] accepted connection from
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[13504]: s_connect: connecting
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: s_connect: s_poll_wait waiting 10 seconds
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client hello A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[16864]: s_connect: connected
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[16864]: Service [remote system] connected remote server from
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: Remote socket (FD=720) initialized
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[16864]: SNI: sending servername:
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: SSL state (connect): before/connect initialization
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[25992]: s_connect: connected
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[25992]: Service [remote system] connected remote server from
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: Remote socket (FD=716) initialized
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[25992]: SNI: sending servername:
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client hello A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: SSL state (connect): before/connect initialization
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client hello A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server hello A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read finished A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write finished A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 flush data
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: 4 items in the session cache
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: 7 client connects (SSL_connect())
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: 5 client connects that finished
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: 0 client renegotiations requested
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: 0 server connects (SSL_accept())
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: 0 server connects that finished
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: 0 server renegotiations requested
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: 1 session cache hits
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: 0 external session cache hits
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: 0 session cache misses
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: 0 session cache timeouts
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[20760]: SSL connected: previous session reused
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[13504]: s_connect: connected
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[13504]: Service [remote system] connected remote server from
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: Remote socket (FD=768) initialized
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[13504]: SNI: sending servername:
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: SSL state (connect): before/connect initialization
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client hello A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server hello A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read finished A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write finished A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 flush data
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: 4 items in the session cache
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: 8 client connects (SSL_connect())
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: 6 client connects that finished
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: 0 client renegotiations requested
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: 0 server connects (SSL_accept())
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: 0 server connects that finished
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: 0 server renegotiations requested
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: 2 session cache hits
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: 0 external session cache hits
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: 0 session cache misses
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: 0 session cache timeouts
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[25992]: SSL connected: previous session reused
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server hello A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read finished A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write finished A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 flush data
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: 4 items in the session cache
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: 8 client connects (SSL_connect())
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: 7 client connects that finished
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: 0 client renegotiations requested
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: 0 server connects (SSL_accept())
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: 0 server connects that finished
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: 0 server renegotiations requested
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: 3 session cache hits
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: 0 external session cache hits
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: 0 session cache misses
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: 0 session cache timeouts
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[16864]: SSL connected: previous session reused
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[20760]: SSL socket closed (SSL_read)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: Sent socket write shutdown
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[20760]: Connection closed: 153 byte(s) sent to SSL, 311 byte(s) sent to socket
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: Remote socket (FD=724) closed
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: Local socket (FD=576) closed
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: Service [remote system] finished (3 left)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: str_stats: 3 block(s), 4294963896 data byte(s), 150 control byte(s)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:413
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:412
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[20760]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:411
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[25992]: SSL socket closed (SSL_read)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: Sent socket write shutdown
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[25992]: Connection closed: 153 byte(s) sent to SSL, 311 byte(s) sent to socket
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: Remote socket (FD=716) closed
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: Local socket (FD=680) closed
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: Service [remote system] finished (2 left)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server hello A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[16864]: SSL socket closed (SSL_read)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: str_stats: 3 block(s), 4294963896 data byte(s), 150 control byte(s)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: Sent socket write shutdown
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:413
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG5[16864]: Connection closed: 153 byte(s) sent to SSL, 311 byte(s) sent to socket
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:412
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: Remote socket (FD=720) closed
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[25992]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:411
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: Local socket (FD=708) closed
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: Service [remote system] finished (1 left)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read finished A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: str_stats: 3 block(s), 4294963896 data byte(s), 150 control byte(s)
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:413
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:412
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write finished A
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[16864]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:411
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 flush data
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: 4 items in the session cache
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: 8 client connects (SSL_connect())
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: 8 client connects that finished
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: 0 client renegotiations requested
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: 0 server connects (SSL_accept())
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: 0 server connects that finished
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: 0 server renegotiations requested
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: 4 session cache hits
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: 0 external session cache hits
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: 0 session cache misses
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG7[13504]: 0 session cache timeouts
2016.05.05 11:32:31 LOG6[13504]: SSL connected: previous session reused
2016.05.05 11:32:32 LOG6[13504]: SSL socket closed (SSL_read)
2016.05.05 11:32:32 LOG7[13504]: Sent socket write shutdown
2016.05.05 11:32:32 LOG5[13504]: Connection closed: 153 byte(s) sent to SSL, 311 byte(s) sent to socket
2016.05.05 11:32:32 LOG7[13504]: Remote socket (FD=768) closed
2016.05.05 11:32:32 LOG7[13504]: Local socket (FD=824) closed
2016.05.05 11:32:32 LOG7[13504]: Service [remote system] finished (0 left)
2016.05.05 11:32:32 LOG7[13504]: str_stats: 3 block(s), 4294963896 data byte(s), 150 control byte(s)
2016.05.05 11:32:32 LOG7[13504]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:413
2016.05.05 11:32:32 LOG7[13504]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:412
2016.05.05 11:32:32 LOG7[13504]: str_stats: 20 byte(s) at c:\users\tkachenko\desktop\sber\stunnel-5.03\src\network.c:411