Маркировка: 64K243Z.
Указанной командой пробовал подключиться, но проброс не происходит.
PC/SC device scanner
V 1.4.27 (c) 2001-2011, Ludovic Rousseau <ludovic.rousseau@free.fr>
Compiled with PC/SC lite version: 1.8.18
Using reader plug'n play mechanism
Scanning present readers...
0: Aktiv Co. Rutoken S 00 00
Tue Apr 20 08:44:27 2021
Reader 0: Aktiv Co. Rutoken S 00 00
Card state: Card inserted,
ATR: 3B 6F 00 FF 00 56 72 75 54 6F 6B 6E 73 30 20 00 00 90 00
ATR: 3B 6F 00 FF 00 56 72 75 54 6F 6B 6E 73 30 20 00 00 90 00
+ TS = 3B --> Direct Convention
+ T0 = 6F, Y(1): 0110, K: 15 (historical bytes)
TB(1) = 00 --> VPP is not electrically connected
TC(1) = FF --> Extra guard time: 255 (special value)
+ Historical bytes: 00 56 72 75 54 6F 6B 6E 73 30 20 00 00 90 00
Category indicator byte: 00 (compact TLV data object)
Tag: 5, len: 6 (card issuer's data)
Card issuer data: 72 75 54 6F 6B 6E
Tag: 7, len: 3 (card capabilities)
Selection methods: 30
- DF selection by path
- DF selection by file identifier
Data coding byte: 20
- Behaviour of write functions: proprietary
- Value 'FF' for the first byte of BER-TLV tag fields: invalid
- Data unit in quartets: 1
Command chaining, length fields and logical channels: 00
- Logical channel number assignment: No logical channel
- Maximum number of logical channels: 1
Mandatory status indicator (3 last bytes)
LCS (life card cycle): 00 (No information given)
SW: 9000 (Normal processing.)
Possibly identified card (using /usr/share/pcsc/smartcard_list.txt):
3B 6F 00 FF 00 56 72 75 54 6F 6B 6E 73 30 20 00 00 90 00
ruToken-S (USB token)